Pricing & Information
It is recommended that ALL dogs or cats that go outside receive Flea & Tick treatment.
Vaccination Records Required: Bordetella*, Rabies, Distemper
We will board puppies that are over 12 weeks of age and that have a current
Rabies and Bordetella vaccination and are finished with their Distemper series.
Please check your records carefully to avoid any inconveniences.
If receiving the Bordetella for the first time we have a minimum 7 day wait period before boarding.
1 Dog...............................................……..…...…$34.95
Multi-dog Discount..................................$32.95 per dog
Doggy Daycare (3 or less days a week)................$25.95
Doggy Daycare (3 or more days a week)...............$21.95
(Play time included in the above Prices)
Extended Dog Rate:
21 days....$30.95 per day/Multi-dog Discount $27.95
30 days....$27.95 per day/Multi-dog Discount $24.95
60 days....$25.95 per day/Multi-dog Discount $22.95
We have a minimum of a two week wait period if your dog was previously boarded somewhere else.
If you adopted your pet we have a 30 day wait period after adoption before we can board them.
During your dog's stay at FOUR LEGGED LODGE, each dog is let out individually into a 80x80 fenced yard every 2-3 hours starting at 6:30 am with the last let out starting at 7:30 pm. We also provide milk bones throughout the day as a special treat. If you have special treats feel free to bring them. We prefer if you bring their regular food in an air tight container to avoid upset stomachs. We do provide bedding, if you prefer to bring your own from home it must be washable. Please do not bring favorite toys or bedding as accidents do happen and they may not be returned to you in the condition you left them. If your pet needs special care please let us know.

Vaccination Records Required: Rabies, Distemper-Upper Respiratory Viruses
All cats over 6 mo. old must be neutered.
1 Cat…………........……………$21.95
Multi-cat Discount.......$19.95 per cat
Extended Cat Rate:
21 days or more $19.95 per day
21 days or more multi cat discount $17.95 per cat
30 days or more $17.95 per day
30 days or more multi cat discount $15.95 per cat
60 days or more $15.95 per day
60 days or more multi cat discount $13.95 per cat
We supply cat litter, dishes, and bedding to all our Feline boarders.
You just need to bring food!
We do not administer medication to cats.
We do not offer cat grooming.
Other Amenities
Medication $2 per day
Food $4 per day per dog
Female in season $5 per day
Observed Holiday $5 per day
Call for Quote on:
- Brushing
- Toe nail Trim
- Basic Bath (small dog)
- Basic Bath (med dog)
- Basic Bath (large dog)
- Bath-Giant/Heavy Coat
- Medication Administration per day
- Specialized Care or Extra Medical Care per day
- Females in Season per day
- Food per day per dog